“Pupilija, papa Pupilo i Pupilčki”

Pupilija, papa Pupilo i Pupilčki”, Janez Janša (Slovenija/Slovenia)

Četvrtak/ Thursday 2. 09., 20:00 – Hrvatski kulturni dom na Sušaku, Strossmayerova 1

Predstava “Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki” rekonstrukcija je kultne neoavangardne predstave Dušana Jovanovića s kraja 60-tih godina, koja naglašava odmak od toga vremena i procesa.

Rekonstrukcija predstave, ispunjene eksperimentom i otporom, i sama je svojevrsni eksperiment s obzirom da rekonstrukcije predstava nisu česta pojava u Sloveniji. Stoga je naglasak usmjeren na kazališni govor i njegovu kontekstualizaciju i rekontekstualizaciju. Predstava je puna dijaloga i intervencija originalnog glumačkog postava, ali i reprodukcija odgovora na te dijaloge. U predstavi se ističu procesi korišteni u originalnoj izvedbi s posebnim fokusom na otvorenost i neformalnost. Rekonstrukcija je napravljena s posebnom pažnju prema ponovnoj uspostavi sljedećih elemenata:

-općenitost i nevještost

-ne-spektakularnost i ekstremnost izvedbe

-otvorena improvizacija i folklor te vojna disciplina

-kolektivna svijest i ne-svijest

-otvoren, ne-estetiziran i nelinearan jezik i politički angažman.

Janez Janša’s theatre reconstruction of the cult and – for the Slovenian theatre – groundbreaking neoavantgarde performance by Dušan Jovanović brings about the spirit of the 60s, while at the same time exposes the distance toward that time and the procedures of the reconstruction.

The reconstruction of the performance, which is impregnated with the spirit of experiment and resistance, is itself an experiment, since reconstructions of performances are not common in Slovenia. The emphasis is thus on theatrical speech as well as on its contextualization and recontextualization. The performance is furnished with conversations and interventions by the original cast and also with reproductions of the responses to it. It stresses the procedures used in the original performance, with the focus on openness and non-formality. The reconstruction was focused on how to re-enact the following elements:
– commonness and unskilfulness
– non-spectacular and extreme execution
– open improvisation and folklore and military discipline
– collective mind and mindlessness
– open, non-aesthetic and non-linear language and political engagement.

Rekonstrukcija i režija/ Reconstructed and directed by: Janez Janša
Izvedba/ Created and performed by: Aleksandra Balmazović, Gregor Cvetko, Dražen Dragojevič, Lado Jakša, Alja Kapun, Boštjan Narat, Matjaž Pikalo, Dejan Srhoj, Ajda Toman, Irena Tomažin, Grega Zorc
Glazba/ Music: Gregor Cvetko, Lado Jakša, Boštjan Narat
Glavni tehničar/ Lead technician: Igor Remeta
Asistent redatelja/ Assistant director: Samo Gosarič
Projekcije/ Projections: Samo Gosarič, Emil Hrvatin, Igor Štromajer
Kamermani/ Camera operators: Gregor Lipičar, Iztok Sajdl
Montaža/ Montage: Gorazd Kernel
Vizašist/ Makeup artist: Barbara Pavlin
Fotografija/ Photography: Marcandrea Bragalini
Izvršni producent/ Executive producer: Barbara Hribar
Postprodukcija/ Postproduction: Tina Dobnik
Produkcija/ Production: Maska
Koprodukcija/ Co-production: Festival EX PONTO, Bunker Productions
Koprodukcija videa/ Co-producer of video: Videoprodukcija Kregar
Sponzor/Sponsor: Elle magazin

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