Zoom festival i PSi#15 follow up raspored/schedule

Zoom festival 30. 08. do 4. 09. 2010.

Ponedjeljak/ Monday 30. 08.

20:00 otvorenje/opening – Život (u nastajanju), Janez Janša (Slovenija/Slovenia) – MMSU, Dolac 1, (ostaje otvoreno do/opened till 4. 09.)

Utorak/ Tuesday 31. 08.

20:00 – Cookies, Tamara Raban, Ensemble 209 (Izrael/Israel) – HKD na Sušaku, Strossmayerova 1

22:00 – Heroine, Mila Čuljak (Hrvatska/Croatia) – Molekula, Delta 5/1

Srijeda/ Wednesday 1. 09.

20:00 – Let us think of these things always. Let us speak of them never , Every house has a door, (SAD/USA) – HNK Ivana pl. Zajca

Četvrtak/ Thursday 2. 09.

20:00 – PUPILIJA, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki, Janez Janša (Slovenija/Slovenia) – HKD na Sušaku, Strossamyerova 1

Petak/Friday 3. 09.

20:30 – Let us think of these things always. Let us speak of them never., Every house has a door, (SAD/USA) – HNK Ivana pl. Zajca

20:30 – Slovensko narodno gledališče, Janez Janša (Slovenija/Slovenia) – HKD na Sušaku, Strossmayerova 1

Subota/Saturday 4. 09.

10:00 -14:00 «Duchampovi svjedoci» Milijana Babić, Korzo

19:00 – 21:30  PERFORMING IN AGONY , Lois Weaver (SAD/USA)- mjesto rezervirati na petra@drugo-more/ reservation petra@drugo-more.hr

22:00 – Poluinterpretacije ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu, BADco – HKD na Sušaku, Strossmayerova 1

PERFORMANCE STUDIES international#15 follow up

2. 09. – 4. 09. 2010.

PSI#15 follow up održat će se na engleskom jeziku./The official language of the PSI#15 follow up will be English.

Četvrtak/Thursday 2. 09.

19:30 – opening / otvorenje, HKD na Sušaku, Strossmayerova 1

20:00 – PUPILIJA, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki, Janez Janša (Slovenija/Slovenia) – HKD na Sušaku, Strossamyerova 1

22:00 – shift 1: MATTERS OF FACT / MATTERS OF CONCERN//ČINJENICE/VAŽNOST, curator: Goran Sergej Pristaš – HKD na Sušaku, Strossmayerova 1

part 1: Late Night Theory Show With CDU (Centar za dramsku umjetnost)

participants: Una Bauer, Ramsay Burt, Ivana Ivković, Marko Kostanić, Bojana Kunst, Tomislav Medak, Nikolina Pristaš, Ana Vujanović, Goran Sergej Pristaš

Petak/Friday 3. 09. – Art kino Croatia, Krešimirova 2


Ana Vujanović

A lexicon of inverted notions: Parallel Slalom, by East Dance Academy

Bojana Kunst

Affection, disempowerment and proximity of theory: giving chance to performance

Jon Mckenzie

Misperformance and the Posthuman

Alan Read

The Emaciated Spectator & The Witness of the Powerless
(the presentation is also part of the shift ABANDONED PRACTICES)

11:45 – 13:15 // 13:30– 15:00 – panel 2: MIS(SING)-AESTHETICS, ETHICS, POLITICS// NEDOSTATAK ESTETIKE, ETIKE, POLITIKE, chairs: Heike Roms and Marin Blažević

Carol Becker

The Space Between What Is and What Wants to Be: The Abandoned Practice of Utopian Thinking

(the presentation is also part of the shift ABANDONED PRACTICES)

Branislav Jakovljević

Forensics of Performance: …Let us speak of them never. Let us face them now.

(the presentation is also part of the shift ABANDONED PRACTICES)

Joe Kelleher

Infinite Misattention

Peter Eckersall

Misperforming bodies and activist misbehaviour: reading student protests in 1960s Japan and radicalised everyday

Ed Scheer

Myra’s Olympic Snafu and other subversions of sentimental nationalism

Maaike Bleeker

“I did not have…”

17:30 – 20:00 – panel 3: SHIFTING FORMATS// PROMJENJIVI FORMATI, chairs: Maaike Bleeker and Peter Eckersall

P. A. Skantze

Shift Epistemologies: Inter-medial, Inter-discipline, Inter-taining

Sophie Nield

Past Imperfect, Future Tense; On History as Discarded Practice

Ric Allsopp

‘Walking Backwards’

Marin Blažević

Shifting Dramaturgy


20:30 – 23:00- shift 2: ABANDONED PRACTICES// NAPUŠTENE PRAKSE, curators: Matthew Goulish & Lin Hixson , Let us think of these things always. Let us speak of them never., Every house has a door (SAD/USA) – HNK Ivana pl. Zajca

participants: Selma Banich, Stephen Fiehn, Mislav Čavajda, Carol Becker, Alan Read, Branislav Jakovljević, Joe Kelleher, Lin Hixson, Matthew Goulish

Subota/Saturday 4. 09. – Art kino Croatia, Krešimirova 2

9:00 – 12:00 – panel 4: OFF-REGIONS, “FAILED” CHRONOTOPES// RUBNE REGIJE, “PROPALI” KRONOTOPI , chairs: Lada Čale Feldman and Jon Mckenzie

Nicolas Salazar Sutil

‘Set in Poland, that is to say Nowhere’. Placelessness and the abstracting imagination: the case of Ubu Roi

Heike Roms

Teaching the Avant-garde – (Mis)Performing Pedagogies

Freddie Rokem

The Ontological Instability of the Aesthetic Object: Shifting Perspectives

Laurie Beth Clark and Michael Peterson

Asymmetries of Tourism: mis-timed, mis-placed, mis-aligned, mis-informed

Reana Senjković

Youth summer work actions: from sheer necessity to mere performativity


Annalisa Sacchi

Historian’s and Artist’s Mis-recognitions

Ramsay Burt

Imitation, corporeal generosity, and the globalised dance market.

Nicholas Ridout

Ekphrasis: The Return of the Mis-Spectator
(the presentation is also part of the PERFORMING IN AGONY shift)

Richard Gough

Leaving the Table: Devouring the Stage


15:30 – 18:30 – shift 3: MIS EN PLACE/MIS EN SCENE (WISH YOU WERE HERE) (a shift with food and friends), curators: Laurie Beth Clark & Michael Peterson, konoba Nebuloza

19:00 – 21:30 – shift 4: PERFORMING IN AGONY// IZVOĐENJE U AGONIJI (performance), curators: Lois Weaver and Lada Čale Feldman, HNK Ivana pl. Zajca

participants: Julia Bardsley, Nataša Govedić, Nicholas Ridout, Lada Čale Feldman and Lois Weaver

22:00 – 23:00 – shift 1: MATTERS OF FACT / MATTERS OF CONCERN//ČINJENICE/VAŽNOST (Part 2), curator: Goran Sergej Pristaš, HKD na Sušaku, Strossamyerova 1

part 2: SEMI-INTERPRETATIONS or How To Explain Contemporary Dance To an Undead Hare, a performance by BADco//Poluinterpretacije ili kako objasniti suvremeni ples nemrtvom zecu, BADco

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