White Cube

Photo: Tanja Kanazir / Drugo more (Flickr gallery)

The five-day workshop (6th – 10th July 2018) by Zagreb’s performative collective BADco. will introduce students to problems of presenting in gallery, “white cube” space that does not summarize but disassembles presentation. We’ll work through various exercises of developing performance materials, overlapping story-lines and rhythmic composition of performance to introduce students of acting and contemporary dance to BADco.’s characteristic diagrammatic presentation methodology.

A public presentation of the workshop will take place on Tuesday, 10 July at noon in the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (26c Krešimirova Street) in Rijeka. Admission is free.

This workshop is the first step in the project of Labor of Panic that BADco. explores in collaboration with younger artists, thematizing or making visible issues of labor without creation in society and in art.

The workshop is led by Goran Sergej Pristaš and Nikolina Pristaš.


The workshop is co-organized by BADco. and Drugo more in the framework of Dopolavoro flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture project, in collaboration with the Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb and Academy of Applied Arts, University of Rijeka – Acting and Media Studies.

Cover photo: Marko Ercegović



The project Labor of panic by BADco. and Drugo more is taking place in the framework of Dopolavoro flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture project, and it’s supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and Zagreb’s City Office for Culture. The work of BADco. is supported by the Foundation Kultura Nova.

_MG_0658BADco. performing at Zoom Festival 2015, in the space of today’s MMSU Rijeka
Photo: Tanja Kanazir (Flickr gallery)

Labor of panic is a three-year choreographic research and production process by Zagreb’s performance collective BADco. that takes its cue from the work done to prevent emergencies and disasters. This pre-emptive work stands in a paradoxical relation to production – by pre-empting the need for emergency response, it is aimed at producing negation. The title Labor of Panic echoes the title of Paul Virilio’s City of Panic, where Virilio, analyzing the city as a target of terror and as a fulcrum of securitization, draws comparisons between the logic of creation without creation in art and in society at large. While the terrorism produces events as disasters, as ruptures of continuity, the work of securitization produces a double negation, a negation of negation, almost an aesthetic operation on the surface of the city that is made transparent, sanitized and surveilled – the city that constructs panic by policing public space, segregating social groups, fencing off immigrants, redistributing bodies in space. As the work of securitization grows, so grows the generalized insecurity in society – unstable employment, imaginary threats, disaster scenarios… All this transforms the city in the present into an unusual confluence of museal and theatrical dispositives – a spectated and curated theater of operations.

“Our artistic approach to the securitization of the city will be based on various forms of analysis of organization of bodies in space and social choreography. We wish to make these opaque processes and relations visible by playing with their temporal dimensions. A potential emergency becomes a construct that emerges from the work of its prevention. That construction we intend to explore by engaging with emergency scenarios, response protocols and response units – such as firefighters, paramedics and rescue operations. The project unfolds in two tracks – production track and workshop, research and residency track, and includes a number of mostly younger artists – dancers, choreographers, actors, dramaturges and visual artists.”

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