On Thursday, March 23, starting at 7 p.m. in the large hall of Filodramamtica (Korzo 28/1, Rijeka), biologist Boštjan Surina will hold a lecture entitled Biodiversity in the city, in the framework of the Refleks program.
The program is organized in collaboration with the Natural History Museum Rijeka as the first in a series of lectures on the human impact on the ecosystem.
Admission is free. The lecture will be held in Croatian.
Biodiversity is a complex biological marker of an ecosystem that is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. We can observe and analyze it at different levels, from molecules to individuals, species, communities, all the way to the ecosystems themselves. Contrary to popular belief, biodiversity in cities is high and often significantly higher than biodiversity in neighboring ecosystems that are less influenced by humans. However, this diversity is not functional in most examples.
Problems related to biodiversity in cities are most often tried to be solved by establishing “green islands”, which is fundamentally wrong. In this lecture and discussion, we will try to answer how to establish a more self-sustaining and functional biodiversity in cities.