As the central question of the fourteenth edition of Mine, Yours, Ours festival, “Who Does What?” (WDW?) is a show and a symposium that looks at how work is performed, delegated, outsourced, crowdsourced, transformed, destabilized, disguised, displaced, concealed and revealed, rejected and reclaimed. WDW? focuses on the present of work, a time in which work is as present as ever.
Now that the prospect of full automation is once again getting traction –together with the fear of human obsolescence and the rise of the so-called unnecessariat– WDW? probes the ideological and material tensions that shape the relationship between human and machine. What are the socio-economic premises of the computerization of work? Do machines mediate, replace, enhance or merely devalue human activity?
Curated by Silvio Lorusso, Who Does What? exhibition will open at Filodrammatica Gallery on Thursday, 14th February, at 20:00, featuring works by Anxious to Make, Deconstructeam, Constant Dullaart, Maria Eichhorn, Sam Kidel, Alina Lupu, François Girard Meunier, Elisa Giardina Papa, Ottonie Von Roeder, Sebastian Schmieg and Jeff Thompson.
The exhibition will stay on view until 1st March, working days from 5 to 8 pm. If you wish to visit the exhibition in some other time, contact us by e-mail at info[at]drugo-more.hr or by phone at +385 51 212 957.
Find out more at drugo-more.hr/en/who-does-what/
Following the topics of the exhibition, the symposium will take place in the large hall of Filodrammatica, on Friday and Saturday, 15th and 16th February. Guest speakers of the symposium are Florian A. Schmidt, Sebastian Schmieg, Elisa Giardina Papa, Alina Lupu and Jeff Thompson. Each day, the block of three thirty minute presentations will start at 6 pm and will be followed by a discussion.
Admission to all events is free. Read on to learn more about the program.
Filodrammatica Gallery (Korzo 28/1, Rijeka)
Thursday, 14 February, 2019
Who Does What? exhibition opening, at 20:00
(on display until 1 March)
Filodrammatica, large hall, Korzo 28/1, Rijeka
Friday, 15 February, 2019
presentations & discussions, from 18:00
Elisa Giardina Papa
– Italian artist whose work investigates gender, sexuality, and labor in relation to neoliberal capitalism and the Global South
– at
Who Does What? exhibition she presents
Technologies of Care, a piece that documents new ways in which service and affective labor are being outsourced and automated via internet platforms
Florian Alexander-Schmidt
– freelance researcher, journalist and designer. Currently, he is editor-in-chief of the print magazine
agenda design, published by the Alliance of German Designers (AGD)
– he’ll explain some of the structures that have emerged in the last two years for humans training self driving cars, based on his interviews with six CEOs and about as many crowdworkers in this niche – and what Venezuela has to do with this.
Sebastian Schmieg
– designer and curator whoose work engages with the algorithmic circulation of images, texts and bodies within contexts that blur the boundaries between human and software, individual and crowd, or labor and leisure
– at
Who Does What? exhibition, he’ll present
Segmentation.Network, a piece makes visible the hidden manual labor that goes into building neural networks and artificial intelligence, addressesing machine vision as an act of conscious selection: what can and should be seen by machines and what will remain unrecognized or deemed irrelevant.
Filodrammatica, Korzo 28/1, Rijeka
Saturday, 16 February, 2019
presentations & discussions, from 18:00
Alina Lupu
– Romanian born-Dutch based post-conceptual artist and writer
– at
Who Does What? exhibition she’ll present two of her works:
#RideWithUsPhilip challenges
Deliveroo Netherlands CEO
Philip Padberg to prove his own statement and complete 10 food delivery orders in 2 hours on the streets of Amsterdam; and
Oh, and there’s also a small fee for the job! which deals with the question of value of artistic labour
Jeff Thompson
– artist, programmer and lecturer from New York, who physicalizes codes, sculpture, sound and performance and gives materiality to usually invisible technological processes.
– at
Who Does What? exhibition he’ll present
Turker Computers, a set of photographs taken by Amazon Mechanical Turk workers of their computers and workspaces, the hidden spaces where Jeff Bezos’ vision of “artificial-artificial-
intelligence” is carried out
– he’ll discuss his creative practice and works that reveal the physical manifestation of data and labor online. Apart from Turker Computers, he’ll also talk about other related projects, including a website that shows the color people see when they close their eyes, a performance collecting every server his computer connected to for a month, and a website of 125000 photographs of apartments listed for rent scraped from the site Craigslist.
Drugo more
Supported by:
Kultura nova Foundation, European Commission program Creative Europe, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, City of Rijeka – Department for culture
Media partners: H-Alter, Kulturpunkt, Moja Rijeka
This program is realized in the framework of State Machines, a joint project by Aksioma (SI), Drugo more (HR), Furtherfield (UK), Institute of Network Cultures (NL) and NeMe (CY).
Association of organisations Molekula manages Palach, Filodrammatica and Marganovo.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.d responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Gallery opening hours:
Mon – Fri 17:00 – 20:00h (contact us to arrange the morning visits)