The Non-Aligned Movement - Pokret Nesvrstanih - Konferencija Pokreta nesvrstanih u Beogradu 1961. godine. Izvor: Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Serbia licenseConference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade in 1961 (Konferencija Pokreta nesvrstanih u Beogradu 1961. godine). From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 3.0 Serbia license.

The Non-Aligned Movement was formed in 1961 at a conference in Belgrade, as a transnational political project, a coalition of small and medium-sized states, mostly former colonies and developing countries from the global South or Third World. The movement represented the first major upheaval on the Cold War map, the search for alternative political alliances and for “alternative mondialization.”

The central topic of the sixteenth edition of the interdisciplinary festival Mine, Yours, Ours is the Non-Aligned Movement, which in 2021 marks sixty years of existence. Given the economic and political elements of colonization that are still present in the world, and against which the Non-Aligned Movement has successfully fought in the past, this topic is still more than relevant today.

Taking place at Filodrammatica (Korzo 28/1, Rijeka), the program will consist of an exhibition (24 September – 15 October, 2021), a conference (27 – 29 September, 2021) and film screenings (27 &  28 September, 2021). See the anticipated program schedule below.

The exhibition will open in accordance with the currently valid measures and recommendations for the prevention of coronavirus infection. The number of visitors to the gallery space is limited. Visitors are urged to maintain physical distance and wear protective face masks properly.

Due to the large number of participants and the all-day duration of the indoor conference, entry and attendance at the conference program is possible only with the presentation of the EU digital COVID certificate.

For all those who cannot attend, follow the live stream of the conference on YouTube or join in on Zoom.


Conference, Day 1

Conference, Day 2

Conference, Day 3


☛ Filodrammatica, Korzo 28/1, Rijeka, Croatia


27 – 29 / 9 / 2021

Towards a Conjuctural Political Economy of Non-Alignment and Cultural Politics



Vijay Prashad (Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research), Sara Salem (The London School of Economics), Budimir Lončar (former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), Tvrtko Jakovina (Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Universtiy of Zagreb)


Presentations by speakers selected through a public call for scientific, research-based, empirical and/or theoretical contributions



• Monday, 27 September, 2021

10.30 – 12.00

VIJAY PRASHAD: Dilemmas of Humanity
via Zoom
Moderator: Sanja Horvatinčić

Where do we stand today, on the precipice between annihilation and extinction? Is a future possible for humanity and for nature?

VIJAY PRASHAD is Indian historian, journalist, writer and the Director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He is the author of thirty books, including Washington Bullets (2020), with a foreword by Evo Morales Ayma; (2020); Red Star Over the Third World (2019, Pluto Press); Red October: The Russian Revolution and the Communist Horizon (2017, New Delhi: LeftWord Books); The Death of the Nation and the Future of the Arab Revolution (2016, University of California Press); Letters to Palestine (2015, Verso Books); Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South (2013, Verso). Foreword by Boutros-Boutros Ghali; The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World (2007), The New Press, and many others. He is also the Chief Editor of LeftWord Books (New Delhi).


12.15 – 13.45

PANEL 1 – Non-Aligned Internationalisms

Moderator: Davor Mišković  

Vedran Obućina (University of Regensburg), Religious and Cultural Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran within the Non-Aligned Movement

George Loftus (Freie universität, Berlin), Islamic Internationalism inside and outside of NAM: The Iranian Revolution in Bosnia

Danijela Majstorović (University of Banja Luka, RS), Decolonizing a Future in a European Periphery Via Colonial Wounds: Socialist Yugoslavia’s Anticolonial Legacy and the Postcolonial Present



13.45 – 15.30



15.30 – 17.00

PANEL 2 – The Spatio-Temporalities of the Non-Aligned

Moderator: Branka Benčić  

Brigitta Isabella (Independent researcher, Kunci Study Forum & Collective), Southern Times in 1995 and Beyond: Moments, Era, and Temporal Logic of Contemporary Art from Non-Aligned Countries Exhibition via Zoom

Ana Knežević (Museum of African Art, Belgrade), a heritological experiment in mapping Non-Aligned monuments and marks

Mila Turajlić (independent filmmaker, Paris – Belgrade), The eyes of the world are on Belgrade today”: an investigation of audio-visual archives of the 1961 Non-Aligned Conference via Zoom





• Tuesday, 28 September, 2021

10.30 – 12.00

SARA SALEM: Anticolonial Archiving and the Urgency of the Past
via Zoom


This talk explores anticolonial memory and anticolonial archiving as entry points into broader questions of time, temporality and the politics of the present.

SARA SALEM is an Assistant Professor in Sociology at the London School of Economics. Her research interests include political sociology, postcolonial studies, Marxist theory, and global histories of anticolonialism. Her recently published book with Cambridge University Press is entitled Anticolonial Afterlives in Egypt: The Politics of Hegemony (2020).


12.15 – 13.45

PANEL 3 – Anticolonial Antinomies and Afterlives

Moderator: Paul Stubbs

Sašo Slaček Brlek (University of Ljubljana, SI), Decolonising culture: the case of the non-aligned news agencies pool

Zoltán Ginelli (independent researcher), Hungarian Race for Anti-Colonial Recognition in the Third World

Ana Sladojević (independent curator, RS), The Role of Affective Heritage of Nonalignment in both Decentring and Perpetuating Stereotypes in Representation of African Arts



13.45 – 15.30



15.30 – 17.00

PANEL 4 – Anticolonial and Socialist Aesthetics and Discourses (via Zoom)

Moderator: Ljiljana Kolešnik

Grega Ulen (Princeton University, USA), Aesthetics of Decolonization & Nonaligned Comparatism

Bojana Videkanić (University of Waterloo, Canada) – Socialism, People’s Art and the Nonaligned

Nataša Kovačević (Eastern Michigan University, USA) – Yugoslav Non-Alignment and the Anticolonial Intellectual Discourse





• Wednesday, 29 September, 2021

10.30 – 12.00

Remembering Non-Alignment
TVRTKO JAKOVINA (University of Zagreb) in discussion with Paul Stubbs on BUDIMIR LONČAR

was last Yugoslav minister of foreign affairs. As a special advisor to State Secretary Koča Popović, he participated in the preparations for the First Conference of non-aligned countries in Belgrade in 1961 and in the work of the Second Conference in Cairo in 1964 . He was appointed Ambassador to Indonesia in 1965, at the time when that country was shaken by a severe internal crisis. From 1969 to 1973 he was an advisor to the Federal Secretary for Foreign Affairs of SFR Yugoslavia. He had an important role in the preparation of the Third Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Lusaka 1970. In 1973 he became Yugoslav Ambassador to FR Germany preparing the historic visit of President Tito to that country in 1974. In 1977 he became Undersecretary of the Federal Secretariat for Foreign Affairs and in 1979 he was appointed Yugoslav ambassador to the United States. From 1984 to 1987, he was Deputy Federal Secretary for Foreign Affairs. At the end of 1987, Budimir Lončar became Yugoslav Federal Secretary for Foreign Affairs in the government of Branko Mikulić. He remained in that office when the government of Ante Marković was formed in 1989. He was instrumental in Belgrade hosting the Ninth Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1989 and helped move Yugoslavia closer to European integration. In early 1991, he mediated with Saddam Hussein in an attempt to resolve the Kuwaiti crisis peacefully. During 1991, he engaged in intense diplomatic activity to prevent the war in Yugoslavia, but in the autumn of that year, horrified by the aggression against Croatia, he resigned from the post of federal secretary. From 1992, he held official positions in the United Nations in Jakarta and New York. In 2005 he was named as a special adviser to Croatian President Stjepan Mesić for foreign and domestic policy, and was instrumental in Croatia becoming a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2007. During the mandate of President Ivo Josipović (2010-2015) he was the president of the Council for Foreign Policy and International Relations within the Office of the President.

TVRTKO JAKOVINA is tenured professor and former head of the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. He is the author of several books including The Third Side of The Cold War /Treća strana Hladnog rata/ (2011), as well as many articles dealing with the foreign policy of Tito’s Yugoslavia and Croatian history in 20th century. His latest publication is a biography of the last Yugoslav minister of foreign affairs, Budimir Lončar. He is vice-president of the Croatian Fulbright Alumini Association, member of the Board of the Croatian-American Association, Management Board President of the Center for Democracy and Law “Miko Tripalo” and a member of several editorial boards. He obtained his MA in American Studies at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and his Ph.D. from the University of Zagreb (in 2002).


12.15 – 14.15

PANEL 5 – Decolonising Culture

Moderator: Tamara Bjažić Klarin

Łukasz Stanek (University of Manchester, UK) – Decolonization by Non-Alignment: Ghana’s Construction Industry via Zoom

Ana Dević (Leuven University), Amnesias and Reassessment of the Architectural Exports of Yugoslavia in the Non-Aligned Movement: the Changing Frames of Modernism

Ljubica Spaskovska (University of Exeter, UK), Comrades, poets, politicians – Aco Šopov, Léopold Sédar Senghor and the cultural politics of non-alignment

Petja Grafenauer and Daša Tepina (Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana, SI) The Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts: Utopias of Non-alignment


Moderator: Paul  Stubbs




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27 & 28 / 9 / 2021


Ljiljana Kolešnik, Branka Benčić

Monday, September 27, 2021, 8 p.m.



Mona Hatoum, 1988, 15’30’’ Distributor: VDB

In this video, the artist tries to overcome the effects of distance, and reflects on geography represented in exile due to war, and on the psychological distance represented in each one’s approach to her womanhood. The video beautifully weaves personal images and audio recordings of a very intimate nature, binding the personal with the political. Reading aloud from letters sent by her mother in Beirut, Hatoum creates a visual montage reflecting her feelings of separation and isolation from her Palestinian family. The personal and political are inextricably bound in a narrative that explores personal and family identity against a backdrop of traumatic social rupture, exile and displacement.



Renata Poljak, 2019, 11’11’’ Distributor: Bonobostudio

In 2016 the flagship of the ex-Yugoslav navy was deliberately sunk in order to become an attraction for scuba divers in Croatia. The ship lies close to Brijuni islands where in 1956 Nasser, Nehru and Tito met to discuss their opposition to the Cold War which led to the Nonaligned Movement. By employing visually impressive shots, the film establishes a signature spatial and temporal narrative, at the same time entering the space of fusion of personal and collective memory and dismemory, which, in the context of political and economic changes that have been occurring in Croatian society for the past several decades, acquire metaphorical and symbolic meanings, imbued with powerful socio-psychological implications.



Filipa César, Louis Henderson, 2018, 35’00’’ Distributor: VDB

Sunstone tracks Fresnel lenses from their site of production to their exhibition in a museum of lighthouses and navigational devices. It also examines the diverse social contexts in which optics are implicated, contrasting the system of triangular trade that followed the first European arrivals in the ‘New World’ with the political potential seen in Op art in post-revolutionary Cuba. Incorporating 16mm celluloid images, digital desktop captures and 3D CGI, the film also maps a technological trajectory: from historical methods of optical navigation to new algorithms of locating, from singular projection to multi-perspectival satellitic visions. Registering these technical advances progressively through the film’s materials and means of production, Sunstone creates “a cinema of affect, a cinema of experience – an Op film.”




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24 / 9 – 15 / 10 / 2021

Southern Constellations: Poetics of the Non-Aligned
It is not enough to write a revolutionary poem



Bojana Piškur


Dan Acostioaei, Nika Autor, Đorđe Balmazović, Ferenc Gróf, Ibro Hasanović, Dubravka Sekulić, Hyun-Suk Seo, Mila Turajlić


NAM archival materials


Cartography of SFR Yugoslavia’s International Collaborations in Culture with Developing Countries


* find more info about the exhibition, presented works and their authors HERE




Annual Archive

Annual Archive

Annual Archive