Inequality in the city – Round Table
Filodrammatica Gallery, Korzo 28/I, Rijeka.
Monday, 2 November 2015, 7 PM
City vs. State Inequality: Bring in Ethical and Methodological Issues
In the setting of the multimedia installation Toolkit for a Joint Action at Filodrammatica Gallery, on Monday (November 2, 2015) at 7 PM, Drugo more, Center for Advanced Studies – South Eastern Europe and University of Rijeka organized a round table with the topic of Inequality in the City.
Following participants took part in the discussion: Avner de-Shalit (Department of Political Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Ognjen Čaldarović (Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb) and Elvio Baccarini (Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka).
Round table was held in English, and the entrance was free.
If cities are different political and social entities than states, perhaps we should think about inequality in the city differently from the way we think about inequality in the state. Inequality in the city is currently measured by applying the Gini Index, an economic measurement which was developed to study inequality in states. On top of methodological difficulties with applying the Gini to study inequality in the city, this measurement ignores what really constitutes well being in the city, and therefore what should matter to us when we come to study and measure inequality in the city. But how should we know what constitutes well being in the city and if we know it how can we measure it?
Moderators: Davor Mišković and Nebojša Zelić.
Click on the following links to see the Photo Gallery (photos by Tanja Kanazir) and listen to recorded Audio Footage of the round table.
Ognjen Čaldarović teaches at Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, doing research in urban sociology. He worked at Urban Institute of City of Zagreb, and as a consultant in the institutions such as The World Bank, The Urban Institute, etc. He wrote a number of books and articles in the field of sociology.
Elvio Baccarini is a professor at Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, where he teaches the courses such as Democratic theory, Ethics, State, rights, community, individual and Philosophy of politics. He is an author of numerous publications in the field of bioethics and philosophy of politics.
Jana Šarinić teaches at Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She received her PhD in the field of urban sociology, and is an author of articles in that domain.

Organization: Drugo more, Center for Advanced Studies – South Eastern Europe and University of Rijeka.
Supported by: National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Kultura nova Foundation, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, City of Rijeka – Department of Culture.
Program is realized as part of Refleks project.