Stories of the Future of Work
Interview with the artist for Moja Rijeka internet portal
You are invited to join a two-day long story-writing workshop, led by the artist Jennifer Lyn Morone. Workshop will be held on 19th and 20th June at Filodrammatica (Korzo 28/1, Rijeka).
This peculiar artist – which in 2014 registered herself as a corporation in Delaware, USA – in 2017 gave a lecture entitled Designing Civil Disobedience (find the video here) and presented her work at the exhibition Jennifer Lyn Morone™ Inc in Filodrammatica Gallery. In search for stories of the possible futures of jobs and work, this time she’s coming back to Rijeka in order to encourage people to join her in the process of creating her new video installation, The Scheme of Things, in the framework of Dopolavoro flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture.
Story and scenario writing workshop will be held on Wednesday from 16:00 to 21:00 and Thursday from 11:00 to 16:00, with the possibility of prolonging the sessions in order to participants might develop their stories more efficiently.
You can apply by sending a short motivation letter at
Jennifer Lyn Morone at Filodrammatica in 2017 (photo: Tanja Kanazir / Drugo more)
In this workshop participants will apply tools and techniques of story building, including world building and speculative fiction, around the theme of “the future of work” to create stories, narrative trajectories and scenarios of how a desirable post-work world could look and feel. The objective is to imagine how we want to live that could be possible today, not dystopias, not utopias, and not far futures.
Participants will work at times in teams and individually. Together they will identify contemporary societal issues and brainstorm about alternatives. Individually they will spend time to imagine and develop compelling story premises and outlines. The participants will share the rough drafts of their stories and decide whether they will continue to work individually or collaboratively to finish their stories and prepare them as a screen play or script. Each group or individual will finally present their stories, followed by a Q&A.
Upon the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be encouraged to continue developing their characters and scripts and will have the chance to submit them to be part of a bigger collaborative project where the stories, scripts or characters could be woven into the video work to be exhibited and credited in the framework of Dopolavoro flagship of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture.
Find out more about this incorporated woman in The Guardian and The Economist, and check out the interview she gave to We Make Money Not Art internet magazine.