From the exhibition opening. Photo: Borut Brozović / Drugo more (Flickr gallery)
We are pleased to host the artistic video installation Matrix Vegetal by Chilean artist Patricia Domínguez, marking her first solo exhibition in Croatia. The exhibition will open on Thursday, October 10th, at 7 PM at Filodrammatica Gallery (Korzo 28/1, Rijeka), and will remain on view until October 31st. The exhibition is curated by Daniela Berger Prado.
Gallery opening hours:
Monday – Friday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | 5 – 8 p.m.
Saturday 5 – 8 p.m.
– closed on Sundays and public holidays
Matrix Vegetal combines experimental ethnobotany, South American quantum thinking, oneiric fiction and organic connection technologies to broaden perception, better understand and embrace the sacred functioning of the plants and the spiritual universe. Departing from botanical science fiction, this video installation proposes a restoration of the communication between the human and the more-than-human, representing visions, teachings and routes delivered by the vegetal universe and offering a poetic perspective of contemporary existence, intricately intertwined with the earth and its sentieng beings.
Matrix Vegetal, frente a las puertas de mi casa, entro en el sueño de la Tierra. 2021., Analogue Photograph, 66 x 100 cm. Patricia Domínguez, captured by Emilia Martín. Edition of 3 + 2AP
Matrix Vegetal, video screenshot. Patricia Domínguez, 2022. Commissioned by Screen City Biennial, Norway, with the support of Cecilia Brunson Projects and Galería Patricia Ready, Chile
The video installation emerges as an artistic interpretation of the experience of Chilean artist Patricia Domínguez, who was apprentice of Amador Aniceto, a healer from the region of Madre de Dios, Peru. Aniceto has been condecorated by the plants themselves as “General Physician of the Flora and Fauna of the Universe” for his sacred, multiple and mystical vision of the plant universe.
Under his guidance, the artist activated an intimate process of connection with all-living-knowledge. To do so, she set out to achieve a temporary detachment from the digital matrix that invades us all, activating instead an alliance with the vegetal matrix. In this way, she established a link with their sacred natural language that goes beyond the human, connecting with the planetary memory and its old and ever new wisdom.
Matrix Vegetal, video screenshot. Patricia Domínguez, 2022. Commissioned by Screen City Biennial, Norway, with the support of Cecilia Brunson Projects and Galería Patricia Ready, Chile
Two videos form the exhibition. Amador Aniceto gives voice to one, narrating how his personal history and genealogy is deeply linked to the power of plants, since the beginning, inherited generation after generation. As a creative, artistic-botanical response, Patricia Dominguez proposes her own interpretation of the holy experience of being in Madre de Dios with the healer, and Vegetal Matrix appears as an opportunity to regain life by disconnecting of the enslaving digitality.
Interview with Amador Ancieto, video screenshot. Patricia Domínguez, 2022. Commissioned by Screen City Biennial, Norway, with the support of Cecilia Brunson Projects and Galería Patricia Ready, Chile
Today, Vegetal Matrix travels to the port city of Rijeka, for the first solo show of Patricia Dominguez in Croatia, connecting the knowledges of the forests of the South to the ancient and new Adriatic memories, and posing the questions about how to re-connect to our own situated wisdoms of the plants and beings we inhabit with, and in doing so, re-connect with our spiritual potential.
The exhibition is the result of a collaboration between Drugo more and Chilean curator of Croatian and Slovenian descent, Daniela Berger Prado, who works at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, in Santiago.
The curator will hold a talk the day after the exhibition opening, on Friday, October 11th at 5 PM, in the large hall of Filodrammatica. She will focus on the museum’s history and her work, in the intersection of contemporary art practices and research about the ideas of memory and solidarity within and out of institutions.

Daniela Berger Prado is a Mother, Curator and Researcher based in Santiago de Chile, of Croatian and Slovenian descent
In the framework of the Refleks program, the talk will be held in English. Admission is free.
☛ Galerija Filodrammatica, Korzo 28/1, Rijeka
10 – 31 October, 2024
Thursday, 10 October, at 7 PM
Monday – Friday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | 5 – 8 p.m.
Saturday 5 – 8 p.m.
(closed on Sundays and public holidays; contact us to arrange another time of your visit)
Curated by Daniela Berger Prado
Commissioned by Screen City Biennial, Norway, with the support of Cecilia Brunson Projects and Galería Patricia Ready, Chile.